Our Community GRITSTAR

GRIT Academy Generates Synergy and Innovation

Breathing Organic Resilience for Sustained Success

"It is time to recognise your resilience. We promote a substantial exchange of knowledge and skills"

The project broke slowly into a wide and generous smile, nourished and harboured in the wisdom of the inspired shelter offered by us, the Edward sisters. We have harvested our experiences from 30 years of teaching and learning in the holistic field of self-improvement. This priceless treasure chest of working experience, materialised from the resources of books, psychotherapy, counselling, mentoring sessions and group evening meetings, brought back up to the surface the skills, talents and qualities, bright and virtually fresh in the light of The Idea.

The project has prospered, thanks to the trust, openness and love of many hearts saying, “I do” to our growing community. Today, after a cosmic year of bliss, GRIT Academy has evolved into a dream reality, put into practice thanks to the inspiration, cooperation and shared feedback of the living wisdom of the expansive GRITSTAR Community.

This is when the G R I T Academy was born,

These times of profound global challenge invite us to mentor, coach and accompany you in overcoming uncertainty with the least limiting impact possible. As people, we wish to continue to grow holistically, strengthening the co-creation of our dreams and achievements. At GRIT Academy, we support you to identify and transform your personal limiting thoughts. It is time to recognize your resilience and the gifts and the strengths that fill you with the inspiration required to open new doors of fulfilment. It is time to achieve your desires and live a sustainable success.

Transformation and change can progress when there is connection with the self, others and the world. The change is not simply the results of our actions, but also stems from a growing personal self-awareness and the fulfilment of our goals and plans. Sustainable self-transformation is typical of communities where the members consciously determine their own destiny.

The objective of the GRITSTAR Community

The objective of the GRITSTAR Community is to honour and support creative connections through collaboration and exchange between the Academy members. In an environment of trust, security and celebration, the sharing and fostering of personal achievements, as well as opportunities for expansion at a professional level, frequently trigger the generation of new ideas.

Through GRIT Academy’s alliances with other organisations, synergies are encouraged with specialist groups, where members generate innovations in fields complementary to their own. These empower the participant members themselves and enable society in general to benefit from their area of specialty.

Another objective of our community is to promote a substantial exchange of knowledge and skills between GRIT Coach/Mentors in current topics. The community energy favours meeting peers with the same passions, as well as connecting with visiting guests specialised in value generating topics that abound in collective learning.

The GRIT Academy program is economically accessible and planned in two levels. It is generous in its systemic vision, joyful and comforting in its financial reward.

The initial Programme “GRIT Star”- level 1 is composed of small groups. It consists of seven interactive weekly online sessions of two hours each. Participants learn to shine and become leaders of their lives, confident both in their self-improvement and their continuing expansion. Daily practice, integrated into all areas of life, is the simple methodology of our 4 GRIT B’s.

By participating in our level 2, a deep and formal training of 64 hours, divided into seven intensive modules, they will then be able to become certified as GRIT Coach/Mentor. This prepares them for owning their own business and becoming part of the global

GRIT Coach/Mentors infrastructure.

Both, GRIT Stars and GRIT Coach/Mentors are members of our Community.

We are all teachers and students in an endless exchange of roles. Each one matters to the other in the continuous stream of life. With the philosophical axiom that “I and the other are the same”, the GRITSTAR Community maintains this systemic mastery in building meaningful lives that are profitable and satisfying.